chewing on virtual curds... life after blogger is, damn, just shopping and naked men

Monday, February 28, 2005

Ironic, that people think I was in some sort of permanent state of nirvana after my PB and J. What didn't get blogged, for the ensuing reasons, was what happened after my broadband internet connection suddenly died, midway Sunday. Like most normal web geeks, I was breaking several international laws and chewing on some virtual curd while the bugger choked. The rest of the day was followed by head thumping, pouting, simmering in bed with unreadable book, stewing in front of a DVD, mashing teeth while reading Paris Vogue, trying to eat time by soaking white beans, and eyeball glazing every other hour while I watched my modem flip backwards somersaults only to land in the same place.

I have become overly dependant on my internet connection.

On a good note, went shopping today at the Flea Market in Montreuil, and picked up a fabulously cute pair of off-white boots, fuzzy cow-skin (not leather!) mod coat, four sweaters and vintage buttons, for the lovely price of 35Eu. The trick with the arab merchants is to dress casual, look mean, always have only the change available to pay for your price (and not more!) so that you can flash them your almost empty wallet, and above all, flirt mercilessly. These clothes will be paraded at the March 11 expat bloggers meeting, where, I am assuming, I will be window dressing to the main show... La Coquette's boots. (have to run now.. for naked men*... )

*I am now going to go out and get drunk with a 23 year old. We're going to watch men dress up like whores and jump all over our tables. I've got my Monopoly paper money ready.