where's my archipelago???

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

suddenly realized, after reading cousin's blog for the last little bit, that in fact I don't belong to any discernible group of blogger buddies...
besides finnish roommate, and cousin, am completely separated geographically, and perhaps culturally, from huge blogging potential community. All my cousin's links are related to friends and relatives who blog as well (as well as living in the same city). I am the only blogger among my neolithic anglophone friends, while my francophone buddies are too busy trying to make new media work to blog very much. Wonder if Frenchies are more obsessed with the romantic intellectual potential of technology that the dirty basic fun of it all. Notice asians are really at the top of this market, using technology for fun, not academic or pretentious means. anglophone friends are too far away to get my gnarly parisian observations. So, like art imitating real life, I'm a blogging island with ferries to an asian archipelago.