Maybe I'll fantasize about that...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

sam_lies: The Taco Eskimo!
sam_lies: That would be a great fast food joint
sultanoutlaw: Appalacian Taco......the Igloo of Mirror Kisses...sad, cold steam.....
sam_lies: lots of colours... and design... less mirrors...I have a soft spot for Steven Seagal's early films
sam_lies: oooh, the Igloo of Mirror Kisses... I'm keeping that one
sultanoutlaw: It would be...the Eskimo Corporate Logo Guy crawling out of a taco shell...
sultanoutlaw: the Eskimo could look like Steven Seagal...
sultanoutlaw: Tactile Informatin Kiosks..or for short....Interactive Igloos....
sam_lies: This really rolly polly eskimo, in his parka, sitting on a mexican beach saying... so cool he's hot... so hot he's cool... could it be, why not, who could be mistaken... he's the Taco Mysteraco... the Mr. Cool of the old Fool... he's the Taco Eskimo...
sam_lies: you buy me one mean taco, I geeve four for free!
sam_lies: And the place would be designed all round like a plastic igloo... with all round furniture, and extra strong air conditioning
sultanoutlaw: His face could be Taco Meat.
sam_lies: ahahahahaha
sam_lies: nasty!
sam_lies: his face get's eaten by the crabs on the beach
sam_lies: ahhhhh, Don't eat my Face!
sultanoutlaw: Sad....eyes behind the Taco Meat...and, pink lips...
sam_lies: crumbling lips
sultanoutlaw: so...the owner would force all the poor teen schlubs working glue taco meat to their faces and wear those parkhas...
sam_lies: and all the tacos are made of crabmeat... so you know you're actually eating the eskimo
sam_lies: lime-green mexican parkas
sultanoutlaw: across the nation! teens with Taco meat glued to their faces...crabmeat Tacos! cream crabmeat....
sultanoutlaw: Can I help you....and cRab meat would fall from the teen's face onto the register....onto the the change part of the register...
sam_lies: Hi there? Would you like a bite of my face today?
sultanoutlaw: crab meat and dimes....
sam_lies: they have to eat the food right off their faces
sam_lies: the cooks look like beauty queens, slowly pasting new creamy crab meat into the holes which the customers bit out
sultanoutlaw: Maybe I'll fantasize about that....