116 days??!!
Monday, December 13, 2004
It's been 116 days since George Malbrunot and Christian Chesnot were taken hostage. They're the french journalists for the paper Le Monde. When they were first taken hostage, demands were quite specific: France was given an ultimatum to change their law on a girl's right to wear the veil in public school, or the journalists would be killed. The deadline was set for a couple of weeks, which coincided with the date of the return to school. The date came and went, french girls were stripped of their veils before going into class, nothing happened. A couple of week ago, the chauffeur, a Jordanian, was found in an Iraqi town. His keepers had abandoned him.
So, all this has only happened maybe 3 months ago and already it's foggy in my brain. I don't keep these facts in my brain just for the chance to out-trivia someone in a board game or game show. In fact, I don't think I keep these facts in my brain at all.
But when I think that they're still out there, that what was first page news for three days running is now faded, like my memories of a very sexy promising September rife with wild parties, as if we were keen on losing our heads before bowing before the autumn grind, when I think of all that...I can't think about it anymore. Some things, simple, are really incomprehensible. I am supposed to care, right?
Here's the website for those less keen to forget than I.
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