
Monday, November 01, 2004

I'm just back, and gosh darnit, have too many stupid things to blog about...
retarded backwards toilets,
new herring,
finally watching and loving english football,
the cool artkids and magic twins going completely beserk in Amsterdam and smashing chandeliers,
getting lost every time until I learned to navigate by Dirk,
unfriendly Dutch service workers,
why our heads are miraculously overwater and our heads under smoke?
freaking out with weird hanging lion,
real pub food is a treat,
smoking my stupidity in everynight until someone told me that I needed to draw 100 drawings everyday and after 1 month maybe I'd have a maybe 10 good ones, (my husband)
after a couple of hours Stefan turned into wallpaper
hearing "pinkie poo" repeated 10 000 times in one night,
finding out that the guard at the Staedlijk has had two pieces stolen in one wing while the same guard was sleeping,
finally working out the plot to my first romantic comedy,
reading two books and finding the NYBook Review (birthday gift anyone?)
eating real italian food,
Friday the 13th is beautiful,
meeting beautiful young people,
watching them cry when it was time to part.
special shout out to Tania and Magriet!

very nice honeymoon.